Ladd School

Registration Information

Online Registration Option

The online registration portal is open in TeacherEase. Parents can complete the online registration portion by logging into their TeacherEase account. Students enrolling in Ladd School for the first time can use the New Student Online Registration Link. In-person registration will still be required for all students to provide proof of residency, pay registration fees, purchase PE clothes, and sign up for essential programs like athletics, transportation, and after-school care. Parents are encouraged to complete the online portion prior to registration day, however, families without online access can complete the full registration in person on August 1st. 

Proof of Residency

Illinois statute requires all public school students to be residents of the districts they attend. Proof of residency is required by all families to ensure compliance with the law. To enroll a student in Ladd School, a permanent residency of the custodial parent or legal guardian, as well as the child is required for every student registering. All custodial parents and legal guardians MUST provide ONE Category I document, and TWO Category II documents as listed below

Category I: Most recent property tax bill and proof of payment, mortgage papers, signed and dated lease and proof of last month's payment, a letter from the manager and proof of last month's payment, letter of residence from the landlord in lieu of lease.

Category II: ​Driver's license, vehicle registration, voter registration, most recent cable television and/or credit card bill, current public aid card, current homeowners/renters insurance policy and premium payment receipt, most recent gas, electric, and/or water bill, current library card

Dependents of the United States military will be allowed to register while living outside district boundaries IF the family is currently housed in temporary housing AND the family will be living inside the district boundaries within 6 months after the time of initial enrollment. Military personnel will be required to provide proof that the child will be living in the district within 6 months.

Required Registration Fees

​Registration fees are $135 per student K-8 with a $65 activity fee for all students in 5th through 8th grades who will participate in an extra-curricular activity. $4 is required for students in 3rd and 4th grade for the purchase of recorders. 

School supply Lists

The School Supply Lists are available here. Students should have all supplies for the start of the year. Supplies can be brought to classrooms at Back to School Night.

Birth Certificates

All students enrolling in the district for the first time are required to present a certified birth certificate. Birth certificates may be obtained from the county in which the child was born.

Immunization and Physical Requirements

State Law requires written evidence of physical examinations, including age-appropriate developmental screening, and social-emotional screening, for all students registering for the first time and the grade levels below. Immunizations for Polio, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Measles, Rubella, Hepatitis B, Varicella, and one dose of Meningococcal vaccine are also required.  Proof of immunity shall be documented evidence of having received a vaccine or proof of disease verified by a healthcare provider. (Section 655.250) The only waiver of evidence of immunizations is through written objection that these requirements conflict with religious tenets or practices, or that the physical condition of the child is such that compliance would be a hazard to the health of the child.  Proof of examinations must be submitted prior to October 15 of the school year. New students to the district registering after October 15 will have 30 days from the date of registration to submit all medical examination records required. A STUDENT WHO DOES NOT COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS BY OCTOBER 15 WILL BE DENIED ENTRY TO SCHOOL UNTIL COMPLIANCE IS MADE.


  • Proof of a physical examination 

  • Proof of up-to-date immunizations

  • Proof of lead screening

  • Proof of dental exam

  • Proof of vision exam

Second Grade:

  • Proof of dental exam

Sixth Grade

  • Proof of physical exam

  • Proof of up-to-date immunizations

  • Proof of Dental Exam

Sports Physicals

​Sports physicals are necessary for any student who wants to participate in any of our athletic programs. Sports physicals are only valid for one year.

Student Handbook

​Parents and Ladd Students can access the student handbook on our website. The most updated handbook was just approved by the Board of Education and can be found here and on the District homepage.

2024-2025 District Calendar

The first day of student attendance is Wednesday, August 14th. School will dismiss at 2:00 p.m. the first three days of school and every Wednesday throughout the school year. You can find the complete 2024-2025 school calendar here

Safe Routes to School


Transportation is available for all students living more than one and one‑half miles or more from the school or in areas deemed too hazardous. Students may sign up for free transportation if they reside in areas that qualify. Student who may choose to walk to school are directed to follow the above routes to ensure their safety. Students walking or riding their bikes should remain on the sidewalks and out of the roads. Students should only cross Main Street and East Cleveland Street intersections where a crossing guard is assigned.